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*"Protection Rituals come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. There are various ways of protecting yourself with witchcraft, or to remove negative influences from your life.

To simply get someone out of your life, someone who may just be annoying or bothersome and not any real threat to you, a banishing Ritual is your easiest option. It causes no harm to the other person, and simply gives them a magical push away. For something a little stronger, you can go with binding Rituals to prevent them from acting against you.

If the problem is more aggressive, and you think someone has cast a negative Ritual against you, then you would want to take a different approach. You can either try a curse breaking Ritual to counter-act any hex or black magic used against you. Or you can actually reverse the Ritual and send the negative energy right back to the person who sent it.

Do not rely on magic alone if you are in serious danger. If you are ever truly threatened, stalked or harassed, you should always contact the police before relying on a Ritual for protection.

Banishing Rituals are much like binding Rituals in that their intention is to keep someone out of your life. A typical banishing Ritual will block or push someone away, unlike the binding Rituals that usually involve cords and knot work.

Binding Rituals are any kind of magic that you use to force your will on someone, usually to stop them from doing something. Binding them up makes them powerless. One exception would be with love Rituals. A binding love Ritual is one where you bind a person to you, and basically make them fall in love with you. But on protection Rituals, a binding Ritual is used to keep someone from doing harm to you or your family.*"

DISCLAIMER: Please note that there a lot of situations that are beyond the realm of my powers. The supernatural works in mysterious ways many times beyond understanding. I do not claim to be an ultimate authority that can and may change your destiny and the results are typical and can vary from one to another.

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